Presentation to the Illinois Holocaust and Genocide Comission
Moira Malley Presentation to the Illinois Holocaust and Genocide Commission from Suzanne Blum Malley on Vimeo.
Moira Malley Presentation to the Illinois Holocaust and Genocide Commission from Suzanne Blum Malley on Vimeo.
In June 2013 I advocated on Capitol Hill for partisan support of the Sudan Peace, Security, and Accountability Act of 2013 (H.R. 1692). Sadly, since then, the situation in South Sudan has gotten much worse. Read “Old Rivalries Re-ignignted a Fuse in South Sudan” in hte NYTimes December 31, 2013 and “George Clooney on How to Stop […]
I’ve met with Senator Don Harmon, my Illinois Senate senator, twice about genocide awareness and prevention and conflict minerals. He just let me know that he is sponsoring and has drafted legislation to declare April Genocide Awareness and Prevention Month in Illinois! He is asking Representative Camille Lilly to co-sponsor the bill. I will be […]
“The minerals in our electronic devices have bankrolled unspeakable violence in the Congo.” Please read this article in the October 2013 National Geographic by Jeffrey Gettleman about conflict minerals!